Richland County BOE: Matt Finfgeld, Unanimously Appointed Director

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Photo: Patricia Marroquin / Moment / Getty Images

The Richland County Board of Elections met to reorganize on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, as required by the Ohio Revised Code 3501.09. Matt Finfgeld, a Democrat, was unanimously appointed by the board members as Director of the Board. Jane Zimmermann, a Republican, was unanimously appointed by the board members as Deputy Director. Full-time Democratic staff members Amanda Hike and John Makley, as well as full-time Republican staff members Carrie Hill and Daniel O’Brien, were reappointed to their positions for the next two years. Permanent part-time employees Democrat, Sharon Schulz and Republican, Linda Westfield were also reappointed.

The board members unanimously chose Republican Bill Freytag as the Chairman, which makes the fourth consecutive time. The Chairman must be from the opposite political party of the Director.

Megan Whatman was chosen by the Richland County Republican Party to serve her second term on the board. Venita Shoulders was recently chosen by the Richland County Democratic Party to serve her first full term on the board. Ms. Shoulders was appointed to fill an unexpired term in 2023. The other two board members are Larry Weirich, who is currently serving his first term, and Chairman Freytag, who is in his second term.

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