Mansfield City Council member, Stephanie Zader, announces resignation, effective Sept 30.
Below is a letter she shared with the media.
Photo: Muhammad Farhad / iStock / Getty Images
I came into the office ready to make change, and as I look around this room and this city, I am confident that I have.
Pete Hoekstra, who previously served as a United States Ambassador to the Netherlands, said, “Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead.” Similarly, Simon Sinek said, "Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about looking after those in our charge." I hope the legacy that I leave behind is just that. I hope every person who enters this room remembers that it’s not about their own opinion, the party they choose, or anything other than the people they serve.
One last quote from John Maxwell: "A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit." When I enter this room, I am a councilwoman for the City of Mansfield. It’s not about getting credit or a title; it’s about being a voice for the people. I see #TeamMansfield all over Facebook, and my prayer is that everyone takes a hard look at what exactly that means.
With all of that said, I announce my resignation as At Large City Councilwoman for the City of Mansfield, effective September 30, 2024. I will always love this city, the city that I have selflessly served for over a decade in one form or another, and the city that my children will continue to call home. I look forward to watching the growth to come.
Thank you, Stephanie Zader