Photo: George Pachantouris / Moment / Getty Images
Crestline, OH – The public is invited to join All Aboard Ohio and the Village of Crestline for an informative session where we will provide updates on our progress in the FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) process on Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 4:30 pm at The Hub at Village Center, 311 N Seltzer Street.
Additionally, AAO will discuss the outcomes of their 3C&D Economic Impact Analysis, which was conducted to evaluate the potential economic advantages of initiating passenger rail service in Ohio. The analysis findings are positive, and we look forward to discussing them in detail.
AAO’s statewide Whistle Stop Tour allows decision-makers, stakeholders, and community members to receive current, relevant information regarding the Corridor ID process and an in-depth discussion of the economic boom that the revival of the 3C+D would create in the cities along that line.
In December, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) announced the award of 4 planning grants to advance the revival and expansion of intercity passenger rail service in the state of Ohio, including the 3C+D. The planning grants are the first of three grant phases to determine the feasibility, environmental impacts, engineering needs, and construction of these corridors for either new service or expansion of service within an existing Amtrak corridor. The planning phase is entirely funded by the FRA. Subsequent grant rounds will require matching state funds of 10% and 20%.
All Aboard Ohio is a 501-C3 non-profit, member-based organization dedicated to promoting more and better intercity passenger rail service and public transit throughout the state. All Aboard Ohio supports innovation and development of a balanced transportation system that provides viable mobility choices to all Ohioans.