Photo: mrdoomits / iStock / Getty Images
U.S. 30, from the 5th Ave interchange ramps to just past the Ashland County Line, will have lane closures for pavement repairs. One lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction at all times. See this article at our website for full list of new impacts.
All outlined work is weather permitting and is subject to change.
The U.S. 30 west exit ramp to Reed Road will close Thursday, July 20 for six days resurfacing work. The detour is to continue on U.S. 30 west then transition to U.S. 30 east at the U.S. 42 interchange and then use the eastbound Reed Road exit. Estimated ramp reopening: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
The Reed Road entrance ramp to U.S. 30 east will close Thursday, July 20 for six days for resurfacing work. The detour is to use the entrance ramp from Reed Road to U.S. 30 west and then enter U.S. 30 east from the U.S. 42 interchange. Estimated ramp reopening: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
The U.S. 30 east exit to Koogle Road will close Thursday, July 20 for six days for resurfacing work. The detour is to take U.S. 30 east and transition to U.S. 30 west at the SR 603 RCUT and then use the Koogle Road exit. Estimated ramp reopening: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
The Koogle Road entrance ramp to U.S. 30 west will close Thursday, July 20 for six days for resurfacing work. The detour is to take the U.S. 30 east ramp from Koogle Road, and then use the SR 603 RCUT to enter U.S. 30 west. Estimated ramp reopening: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Both the eastbound and westbound rest areas, just east of Reed Road, will have daily intermittent closures to allows crews to mill and pave in that area.
The U.S. 30 west exit ramp to Koogle Road is closed for four days for resurfacing work. The detour is to continue on U.S. 30 west to the Reed Road interchange, transition to U.S. 30 east and then use the Koogle Road exit. Estimated ramp reopening: Friday, July 21, 2023
The Koogle Road entrance ramp to U.S. 30 east is closed for three days for resurfacing work. The detour is to use the Koogle Road entrance ramp to U.S. 30 west and continue to the Reed Road interchange and then transition to U.S. 30 east. Estimated ramp reopening: Thursday, July 20, 2023
The U.S. 30 east exit ramp to Reed Road is closed for four days for resurfacing work. The detour is to continue on U.S. 30 east then transition to U.S. 30 west at the Koogle Road interchange, and then use the U.S. 30 west exit ramp to Reed Road. Estimated ramp reopening: Thursday, July 20, 2023
The Reed Road entrance ramp to U.S. 30 west is closed for four days for resurfacing work. The detour is to use the entrance ramp from Reed Road to U.S. 30 east and then enter U.S. 30 west from the Koogle Road interchange. Estimated ramp reopening: Thursday, July 20, 2023
Estimated completion of entire project: October 2023.