We ACT and the City of Ontario ( Mayor Randy Hutchinson ) would like to invite you to the Spread the Light kick off on Sunday, May 14, 2023, at 5 p.m. at Ontario Community Hall, 555 Stumbo Road, Ontario, OH.
The Spread the Light kick-off will feature music, speakers, and refreshments, and of course, free blue light bulbs. Special guests include Ohio Senator Mark Romanchuk, Ohio State Representative Marilyn John, Miss Ontario Abigail Kern, and the Ontario High School Rhapsody in Blue Show Choir.
“Spread the Light 2023” is a blue light week to promote pride in our local safety forces, partnership in all communities of Richland County and peace in our neighborhoods. Please help “Spread the Light” by putting a blue light bulb on your porch or business during the week of May 14-20, 2023, which is also National Police Week, to show support for the men and women who protect and serve the citizens of Richland County through law enforcement.
Richland County “Spread the Light” began in 2016 and is a localized approach to Project Blue Light which originated in 1988 in Philadelphia when a relative of a fallen police officer placed a memorial blue light in a window along with other seasonal decorations. Its intent was to show others that they are not alone in their loss and to remember the officer who died. The concept has caught on nationwide.
Courtesy of Graham Auto Mall and the Richland County Sheriff's Office, free blue light bulbs will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at the kick-off. For more information, email weactrichland@gmail.com or call We ACT co-founders, Angel Singleton, or Brigitte Coles at 419-610-6915.
Photo: Getty Images