Photo: Submitted By Richland County Park Levy
Press Release About Richland County Parks Levy
The Friends of Richland County Park District are excited about the opportunity for residents to improve and further develop their natural resources.
Richland County voters will see a 0.65 property tax levy request on the May 2nd primary ballot. With the community’s support, the levy would generate $1,648,821 annually, for ten years. At this time, the parks are funded through the Richland County Commissioners general fund budget. ($300,000 Annual Revenue)
Among other things, the new revenue would go toward improvements and safety on the B & O Trail, the ongoing operation of Gorman Nature Center, opening up the new Fleming Falls Preserve for daily visitation, and to develop safe access to Hemlock Falls. In reality, this means new observation structures, hiking trails, bridges and free field trip opportunities for area schools.
Passage would cost the owner of a home with an appraised taxable value of $100,000 about $23 per year. It’s important to note that park districts in neighboring Crawford, Ashland and Knox counties already have dedicated levies to generate park funding.