Ashland County Prosecuting Attorney Christopher R. Tunnell is pleased to announce that the Office of the Month for March 2023 is Loudonville Police Department Sergeant Sean Gorrell.
Sergeant Gorrell has been instrumental in several recent investigations involving sexual assault, violent crime, and theft offenses. Sergeant Gorrell is a go-getter who follows up on lead after lead. One of his most positive attributes is his investment in collaborating with various agencies. This team player approach has resulted in building valuable relationships within our community. Sergeant Gorrell leads by example and takes every opportunity to give credit to others. Because of his strong communication skills and investigative discernment, Sergeant Gorrell’s cases have been successful. He has made a positive impact on our community.
Prosecutor Tunnell added, “Sergeant Gorrell is the epitome of a small town police officer. His concern for everyone in his community is immediately apparent. He is always willing to lend a hand regardless of the nature of the investigation or where the crime occurred. He is an asset to Loudonville and to Ashland County.” Each month
Ashland County Prosecuting Attorney Christopher R. Tunnell will select an officer of the month to recognize the good work being done in our community by our law enforcement officers.
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