Today Ashland County Prosecuting Attorney Christopher R. Tunnell released fourteen (14)felony indictments issued by the Ashland County Grand Jury which met for a day and a half session in November. The Grand Jury issued a total of twenty-two (22) indictments, eight of which remain sealed because they have not been served as of today’s date. The following persons were the subject of an indictment and have or will appear before the Ashland County Court of Common Pleas:
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Mark Owens Jr. ofAshland,case no.22-CRI-196, investigating agency ACSO
•Braxxton YoderofNew London,caseno. 22-CRI-213,investigating agencyACSO
•Trenten Johnson of Greenwich,case no.22-CRI-209,investigating agencyACSO
•Raini Moss ofMansfield,case no.22-CRI-218,investigating agencyAPD
•Raini Moss ofMansfield,case no.22-CRI-219,investigating agencyAPD
•KotyWilson ofShelby,case no.22-CRI-210,investigating agencyAPD
•Yondaz Piggott of Mansfield,case no.22-CRI-211,investigating agencyAPD
•Justin Birchell ofAshland,case no.22-CRI-212,investigating agencyAPD
•James CouncilofColumbus,case no.22-CRI-197,investigating agencyOSHP
•Daniel Rodriguez ofCrestline,case no.22-CRI-223,investigating agencyOSHP
•OsmanAbdi ofColumbus,case no.22-CRI-225,investigating agencyOSHP
•DominicGuidetti ofWooster,case no.22-CRI-228,investigating agencyOSHP
•Stanley Gardner ofAshland,case no.22-CRI-189,investigating agencyACSO
•Justice Price ofMansfield,case no.22-CRI-214,investigating agencyAPD
Prosecutor Tunnellwould like to thank the Grand Jurors for their time andassistance, and the men and women of the investigating agencies for their hard work inprotecting Ashland County citizens. Prosecutor Tunnell further stressed that all personsindicted by the NovemberGrandJury are innocent untilproven guilty.