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Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is scheduled to be in Mansfield on Tuesday (9:30 am).
DeWine will be announcing a $4 million dollar grant to help demolish and cleanup the former Westinghouse A building, which is part of the $500 million dollars in the state’s budget for demolition and brownfield remediation.
The Westinghouse property was not on the initial list for grant money, so that urged Richland County Commissioner Tony Vero to reach out to State Representative Marilyn John and Senator Mark Romanchuk because of the timeline with the grant dollars. reports that just a few days later the Westinghouse Property was approved. Vero credited the Governor for intervening and thanking him for something that is a really big deal in Richland County.
The structure has sat vacant for more than 30 years since it closed down in 1990. The Commissioners and city of Mansfield both are contributing local match dollars to help reach the needed $5 million.