Ribbon Cutting Held For New Richland County Juvenile Court Entrance

Juvenile Court Judge Steve McKinley held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday to officially open the Court’s new security entrance. The Juvenile Justice Center entrance is now manned by security officers and equipped with an x-ray scanner and a metal detector.

“The Court is performing an important service in doing justice for the youth and families of our county and in making sure that our community is kept safe. To do this work effectively, the Court itself needs to be a secure place for the public to come,” said Judge McKinley in his remarks. Former Juvenile Judge Ron Spon also spoke briefly, stating that it was a necessary step for the safety of the Court and the visiting public.

Members of the Richland County Board of Commissioners, who provided funding for the building project, were also present at the event. Funds for the security equipment were provided by a grant award from the Supreme Court of Ohio.

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