Ashland University Receives No. 1 Ranking From Great Value Colleges

Ashland University has been ranked by Great Value Colleges as the No. 1 College for an Online Degree near Cleveland, Ohio, for 2019.

Great Value Colleges ranked the Top 10 Colleges for Online Degrees near Cleveland, Ohio, and the rankings were determined by using data collected from College Navigator regarding tuition as well as information gleaned directly from each institution’s website.The factors in the ranking included tuition cost, student-to-faculty ratio and regional accreditation.

“Ashland, which secured the number one spot, was selected not only for its affordability but also for the institution’s overall outstanding reputation, its faculty’s excellence and the unerring commitment to providing students a high-quality education and in doing so, giving them all the tools that they need to achieve their future career goals,” said Julie McCaulley, online relations for Great Value Colleges.

AU President Dr. Carlos Campo said, “We are very proud that AU was ranked as the No. 1 university for Online Programs. Ashland University has embraced online learning and this has opened our doors to a more expansive student body – from working professionals and stay-at-home individuals to those who may not be able to commute to a physical campus -- and we are proud to offer some of the best combinations of online programs available anywhere in the country today.”

Campo added he is very pleased by the fact that Ashland’s online programs stress the same academic rigor as AU’s traditional classroom programs.

According to McCaulley, Great Value Colleges compiles these rankings in an effort to contribute to the academic mission of higher learning institutions. “We provide pertinent, unbiased information for prospective students and working professionals to aid them in making more informed decisions as they seek to further their education,” she said.

The full article on the ranking can be found at:

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