Gorman Nature Center is having a Family Friendly Bird day on Saturday, February 17th.
Start the day at 8am with "Breakfast with the Birds" featuring a light breakfast and bird watching.
Followed by "A Bird in the Hand" from 9:00 - 11:00am with Steve McKee... a birds-eye view of winter birds and bird banding.
At 1:00pm you can participate in the "Family Backyard Bird Feeding Program." You will make a pinecone & peanut butter bird feeder. Then, Jason will lead a hike outside to discover different birds and their sounds..
And all day long you can spend the day birding with the "Great Backyard Bird Count." This is the first online citizen-science project to collect data on wild birds and display results in near real-time.
Donations are welcome! For questions and details call Gorman Nature Center at 419-884-3764 or visit their website at gormannaturecenter.org.