US Navy Veteran and Bellville native to speak at Mansfield Veterans Court Graduation

US Navy veteran Raymond "Paul" Brown will be the guest speaker at the Mansfield Municipal Veterans Court graduation on April 5th.  Brown served in the Korean War resides in Bellville and has conducted over 1,000 military funeral honors.

There will be 8 graduates on April 5th at the Mansfield FOP Lodge 32. The graduates are: Keith Cline, John Sylvia, Jeff Lowe, Andrew Dillion, Daniel Pescosolido, Adam Hubbard, Gary Etheridge and Timothy Clark.

The Veterans Court started back in 2009 and provides supervision to offenders, which includes home visits, curfew checks and drug and alcohol testing. The program has served over 182 people, in which, 118 have successfully completed. It's just the 3rd program of its kind in the country.

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