FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH, 53 Park Ave. West will be offering SENIOR BOXES 4th Tuesday of month, year around.
The Greater Cleveland Food Bank has a program called “Senior Boxes” whereby anyone 60+ who falls in the “low income” guidelines can register and then pick up a 30# box of non-perishables including 2# of cheese, and a 15# box of pre-packaged produce. This is a year round distribution, next date for distribution is Tuesday, NOVEMBER 28, 2023. Age is a qualification, so please bring your current identification card complete with date of birth and proof of income. Please come to the east side of our building at 53 Park Avenue West, 44902, between 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM to get registered and pick up your Senior Box of non-perishable food. There is NO COST to you for this food. Questions, please call the church at 419.522.0662.