CEOs You Should Know - Allie Watson - Richland County Foundation

MANSFIELD - Brady Groves has announced his retirement as president of the Richland County Foundation after serving 13 years in that position. The RCF Board of Trustees has named Senior Community Investment Officer Allie Watson as the incoming president at the organization.

Watson will become president on April 16.

“We believe that Allie’s leadership will not only sustain but elevate the Foundation’s mission. She brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of the community,” said Hiner.

Watson has been with the Foundation since 2012 facilitating grants and supporting nonprofit organizations. Watson helped to create the Osborne Meese Academy, a capacity building workshop for nonprofit organizations and Mansfield Rising, an investment plan for the Central Business District. Successes of the plan include upgrades to the city’s main thoroughfares, a community branding campaign, creation of public art, facade improvements to downtown businesses, free public Wi-Fi, and free outdoor movies.

“I am excited to lead such an exceptional organization that contributes in a significant way to the betterment of our community. In every corner of our county, RCF has touched individuals, neighborhoods, and communities in some way,” said Watson.

Watson is a native of Mansfield and has a strong commitment to the Foundation’s mission which is to improve the quality of life in Richland County through strategic philanthropy and community leadership.

Watson graduated from St. Peter’s High School. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Ohio Wesleyan University and a Master of Science degree from Mount Vernon Nazarene University.

About the Richland County Foundation

The Richland County Foundation, a not-for-profit 501c3, was established in 1945 as a way for individuals to pool and invest their gifts for the long-term good of Richland County and its residents.

The Foundation helps people in Richland County give back to their community by investing their gifts in charity wisely so that grants can be made to improve the quality of life for all the county’s citizens. Working together with donors, the Foundation meets important needs today and plans for a strong future.

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