Online Petition Created After New Policy At Ashland County Dog Shelter

Photo: Zbynek Pospisil / iStock / Getty Images

A new policy passed by the Ashland County Commissioners has led to the creation of an online petition by residents. reports, the new policy, which took effect this week, says, stray dogs, that have been at the Ashland County Dog Shelter for more than 1 year, will be euthanized.

The petition, as of Tuesday morning, had over 3,400 signatures.

A volunteer at the shelter said, right now, there are 12 dogs, under the new rule.

One of the County Commissioners, said, there could be some changes to the rules and the intent, is to give the county the option for dogs housed at the shelter for a period of time, which may have medical or aggression issues.

He went on to say – the presumption after reading is a dog will be euthanized on day 366 and that, is not the reality of it. There are currently around 40 canines at the Ashland County Dog Shelter, which can hold as many as 69.

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