First and foremost, we want to thank everyone for their patience and cooperation over the past several days. These are challenging times and we will persevere together as One Ashland.
After much consideration, Ashland University including Ashland Theological Seminary is suspending face-to-face instruction for the remainder of the spring 2020 semester. Online instruction, which is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, March 18, will continue through the end of the spring semester. Students currently enrolled in labs, clinical experiences, studios, internships, student teaching, etc., will receive specific instructions from their respective academic programs. Details related to dropping off or picking up materials from academic buildings also will be provided to students through individual programs.
In response to COVID-19, all residential students are asked to move out of their rooms by Sunday, March 22 at 6 p.m. AU recognizes there are some students whose personal or family situations make it impossible to return to campus. If you cannot follow this process, please email Students who are unable to return to their homes, including international students, or students whose permanent residence is Ashland University, must complete the Special Housing Request Form as soon as possible and no later than March 20.
Communications regarding the specifics of the move-out schedule will be sent to students from the Office of Residence Life.
Any student exhibiting COVID-19-type symptoms (fever, cough, body aches, fatigue), is asked to call a health care provider before visiting campus. Students who have in the last 14 days been to a Level 3 travel restricted country, have been on a cruise, been in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 or attended any event in which an attendee has been diagnosed with COVID-19 must contact to coordinate alternative move-out procedures.
Housing status changes will be processed as soon as possible. Residence hall and apartment access will be deactivated no later than Sunday, March 22 at 6 p.m.
The University is currently establishing a fair and equitable way to offer refunds for room, board and certain fees. We ask for your patience as additional information is forthcoming.
At this point, the University is canceling all face-to-face May 9 commencement activities. This decision complies with the March 15 CDC advisory limiting in-person events to 50 people or fewer for the next eight weeks.
These are unprecedented days for all of us and we will be hosting virtual town halls this week with students, staff and faculty to stay keep them current on AU’s response to COVID-19. We will get through this together, keep students on track and serve those in need.
For regular updates, please check the Ashland University website