Councilman Nathan Martin From Shelby Announces For State Representative

Nathan Martin, Iraq War Veteran, Business Owner, and Shelby City Councilman announced his candidacy for the District 2 seat being vacated by Rep Mark Romanchuk, due to term limits, today. Nathan will be running in the Republican primary on March 17, 2020.

The following is his statement:

“In talking with hundreds of voters all across the district, there was common sentiment that stood out in all my discussions. When discussing what type of representation they are hoping for in their next representative to continue the exceptional representation in Columbus, the common theme was “just ok is not ok.” We are past being able to afford sending someone to Columbus who won’t fight for our best interests but instead promotes themselves or special interests. Over the next five months, you will get to know me and my family. Mandi and I have 6 children and are foster parents who are in the process of adopting our foster daughter. We understand the value of service, family, and community. I have had the great honor of wearing our flag in Iraq serving our nation and the citizens of Iraq, helping them during their constitutional referendum and initial parliamentary elections all while my wife was home, in Ohio, being supported by our community. I have also had the honor of serving the citizens of Shelby on Council. Ronald Reagan said that there is nothing we can’t accomplish when we don’t care who gets the credit, and nothing illustrates that more than what we have accomplished in Shelby. Along with my colleagues, we have strengthened our general fund while providing exceptional services to our neighbors and community. We have worked towards a true economic development partnership, elevated energy independence, and are embracing cutting edge technology and municipal broadband internet service.One thing I want to stress is that this race isn’t about me. It isn’t my name on the ballot in March. It is all of our names on the ballot. And we all have a stark choice: servant leadership in Columbus or self-promotion and blind ambition. Over the coming weeks, we will discuss the community leaders who have chosen to endorse our campaign. The small business owners, farmers, pastors, mothers, fathers, and neighbors who have chosen to not just endorse me but endorse us. I hope that you will join me. For more information regarding our campaign, go to or

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