Richland Economic Director Named One of North America's Top 50 Developers

Barrett Thomas, Director of Economic Development at the Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development has been named one of North America’s Top 50 Economic Developers of 2019.The awardwill be presented at Consultant Connect’sECONOMIXevent in Charleston, South Carolina this December.Consultant Connect is a consulting agency designed to bridge the gap between economic developers and site consultants. The economic development professionals selected were nominated by their colleagues in both the economic development industry and the site consultant community for excellent practices, innovation and success in building the communities they serve.   

Each top 50 economic developer will be featured individually starting May 20 through the selected social media channels of LinkedIn and Twitter. Each award winner will share leadership insights and wisdom for other practitioners in the profession.

“This annual list recognizing North America’s Top 50 Economic Developers is designed to acknowledge the hard work of the top leaders in this field and elevate the conversation around economic development and job creation,” said Ron Kitchens, managing partner of Consultant Connect. “Each of the leaders represented on this year’s list are beyond deserving of this recognition for their efforts in building our communities.”

Jodie A. Perry, President/CEO of the Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development states,“We’re thrilled to have Barrett Thomas included on this list. Since joining the Chamber/RCDG, he has worked hard to lead economic development efforts to better our community.”

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