Ohio Severe Weather Safety Week is March 17-23

Ohio’s Severe Weather Safety Week is March 17-23. This is a great opportunity for homes, schools, and businesses to brush up on their knowledge of spring severe weather threats, and to test their safety plans.

These mostly wet March days are a good time to prepare for severe spring weather. Temperatures can swing back and forth between balmy and frigid. Sunny days may be followed by a week of stormy weather. So, planning ahead makes sense; prepare for storms, floods, and tornadoes as if you know in advance they are coming, because in the spring, they very likely will.

Check the supplies in your emergency First Aid kit and update if needed.

Prepare your home emergency kit and have one for your car.

Have a three-day supply of bottled water and nonperishable food on hand.

Show family members where to seek appropriate shelter.

Practice your emergency plan for every type of severe weather.

Show family members where the emergency supplies are stored, and make sure they know how to turn off the water, gas, and electricity in your home.

The Statewide Tornado Drill will take place on Wednesday, March 20 at 9:50 a.m. Test messages will broadcast and most counties will sound their outdoor warning sirens. Ohioans are encouraged to use this time to practice their tornado drills.

Though we are only in the third month of the year, 2019 has already presented Ohio with numerous hazardous weather events. Several winter storms and cold spells prompted Ohio communities to establish shelters and warming centers. More recently, there were the dangerous high winds that caused fallen trees and loss of power for several Richland County locations, including the Health Department.

For more about severe spring weather, see the weather tips at richlandhealth.org: https://www.richlandhealth.org/personal-health/weather-safety-tips

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