The Clear Fork Athletic Boosters Club in a collaborative effort with the Athletic Dept announce the “official” launch of a capital campaign to raise funds to install synthetic turf at the Clear Fork Stadium. The stadium is a centerpiece of the school and community activity and upgrading the field will have a positive impact on all the kids (K-12) in our district. The plan will be specific (upgrade the playing surface) and 100% of the funds raised will benefit stadium upgrades. If we have extra funds we will consider other projects to fund.
The idea to install turf first arose in 2011 and some initial inquiries were made but it didn’t move forward. The topic has been brought up on several occasions since, but this past summer conversation began again in earnest and a committee was formed.The committee consulted with a couple different turf companies and received initial quotes for the job.We spoke with representatives from area schools who have installed turf for their input on the benefits, fundraising and more. The feedback from those schools were overwhelmingly positive. This quote from the Orrville AD sums it up and was echoed by all the other schools;
You have no idea how having turf enhances opportunities and allows sports from elementary, Jr. High, HS, Band, football, soccer, baseball, softball, etc, to practice and play.”
The other frequent comment was;
“We wouldn’t be able to offer and have the activities we have today without turf”.
We evaluated the use of our facilities and concluded that installing turf at the Stadium would benefit a wide array of student extra-curricular activities in the District and help the Activities Coordinator/Athletic Director greatly with scheduling. With the improvements in turf technology and installation it will also be more cost efficient over the long haul with maintenance and worth the initial financial investment.
We made a “soft” introduction of the project at the Fall Sports Parents Meeting in July and set out garnering support through Corporate Sponsorships. We are excited to announce that we have over $600,000 in pledges to date with several more coming in! The Clear Fork Valley community is very generous and we want to thank the following companies for leading the way with their support of this project. Gorman Rupp Industries (Pressbox Sponsor), Global Oilfield Services (Field Sponsor), Alumni Roofing, Brennstuhl Construction, First Knox Bank, Richland Bank, Smith Hardware, Adam Brokaw Construction and McGregor Mortgage. There are several others who are still to let us know their commitment level or wish to remain anonymous with their donation.
Now we need your help
. Initial quotes for the project came in at +/- $900,000. This includes installing a shock pad under the turf that will provide greater safety (concussions, etc) for our students and give the surface a more “natural” feel. We know we will be able to reduce the “retail” price with some in-kind work being done by local companies that have committed to helping in this way. This would probably bring the project cost to the $700 – 750,000 range, but our goal is still to have at least $900,000 in pledges by March to be prepared in lieu of the in-kind work or to cover any unexpected costs. Installation will be begin in May and will be completed by early August and before the Fall sports seasons begin.
Included with this press release is a pledge sheet with various commitment levels where you can support the project. We will also do a “Every Door Direct Mailing” with the brochure and pledge form. Your pledge can be paid at once or over 5 years if you want. A donation of any amount is appreciated and many of them will all add up quickly. The Clear Fork community always comes through. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Chris Laux - Committee Chair(419-564-8900)