Daughter of Senator Sherrod Brown to Speak at OSU Mansfield

The Ohio State University at Mansfield will kick-off Social Justice Week with a featured guest speaker.

Emily Brown, attorney and daughter of Senator Sherrod Brown, will be speaking on the Mansfield campus April 16, 2018, from 6 – 8 p.m. at Founder’s Auditorium in Ovalwood Hall, 1680 University Drive, Mansfield, OH, 44906.

Brown is passionate about the issues of unemployment, civil rights, and immigration.  As an advocate for immigrant rights, she works tirelessly to ensure immigrant equality in Ohio’s agricultural industry.

She is a graduate of Yale Law School, where she was active in the Worker & Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic.  She will discuss the challenges and responsibilities of “Taking a Stand Against Social Justice.”

The event is free and open to the public.

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